“It’s important for us to make it clear that abortion is not just a violation of the human rights of an unborn child, but it is also a violent assault on a woman’s body as well. Society needs to understand the harm abortion has done to women.”
-- Ashley McGuire

Sunday, April 11, 2021

It's Over

 My mother, my murdered son's grandmother, passed away on January 4, 2021.  The death certificate listed a cause that wasn't even true.  But, it doesn't matter.  She's passed, I made peace and I hope she has the right answer when she meets her maker and her grandson.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

In The End

This may very well be my second to last post, for this blog.  This is the ending to the story.

Several months ago, Mother was diagnosed with advanced Alzheimer's disease.  After hearing the news I think I experienced every emotion available to man.

At first, I did my duty and called her from time to time.  My brother lives local to her and he took on the role of care giver.  I tried to give him help and advice.  Sometimes he acknowledged my help.  But, other times he chose to shoulder this alone, at the risk of his own life, marriage and job.  But, it wasn't my decision.  So, I backed off.

Fast forward to last week.  The time finally came when Mother could no longer be left alone  So, she was moved to a memory care facility.  Low and behold I have her Healthcare Power of Attorney.  I had to be involved.  My brother still doesn't share everything.  He has financial power of attorney.  My other brother is in Japan. So. . .

Up to this point had been struggling with forgiveness.  This was something I swore I would never do.  But, I had to.  Why?  My faith says so. I wrestled and wrestled with myself and God.  How could I forgive her?  How? 

Fast forward to now.  I did find a way, through prayer and God, to forgive.  I will never forget what was done to me, but in order to find peace and do for her what I pray someone will do for me, I had to forgive.

I will always believe that destroying an unborn child is cold, calculated murder.  That's the act I hate.  But, I am grateful that my own Mother, who does believe in murder as a choice, did not choose to murder me.

For now, I call her twice a day and converse with her as best she is able.  She asked me to keep secret all that she tells me.  I agreed with an exception.  If I feel she is in danger and needs immediate assistance, I will get others involved.  I live several states away and cannot travel.  So I will not be able to attend her funeral.  That's OK.  I've made peace and am doing my best to help transition to the end stages of her life.  I also believe this is my opportunity to make certain she has made peace with God.

That is all, for now.

Friday, November 9, 2018

More Hypocrisy

I was watching TV and saw an ad for the March of Dimes. I've seen the ads before and they never affected me one way or another. But, this time the way the ad presented newborns, just struck with me. I had another memory. it was quite vivid.

My mother was always making us kids do the stuff she wanted to do. That's just how it was. One of those things was going around collecting money for the March of Dimes. Seemed OK to me, when I was a kid. But, after watching this ad, I no longer think it's OK. Now, don't get me wrong. It's OK, just not something my mother should have done considering her true feelings.

Here I am, in elementary school, going around collecting for the March of Dimes. It was OK and I really didn't mind. But, several years later here comes the hypocrisy. Mom, believes it's OK to kill babies. But, she collects for the March of Dimes. Hypocritical, don't you think? But remember, with Mother, it was always about image. On the outside she looked and acted acceptable. But, behind closed doors and with people she never associated with, she became the murderer of our most innocent.

It just struck me in the heart. The way that ad was presented just slapped me in the face with Mother's hypocrisy and need to keep her murderous beliefs hidden from the light. It disgusts me and she disgusts me.

This is the ad that I saw. After looking it up, I realize it's not a new ad. But, it was new to me and it just ripped my heart apart. How can a Mother kill her own grandchild and pretend to support this wonderful cause? Only a monster!!!!

Thursday, September 8, 2016

The Greatest Crime

This says it all.  Just click the link and listen to Mother Teresa, now Saint Teresa, and etch her words in to your heart.

The Twitter link, below, is a snip from her speech.  Further below, you will find her full speech.

Here is a snippet from Mother Teresa's full speech.

During her acceptance speech of the 1979 Nobel Peace Prize Mother Teresa first popularized her signature condemnation of abortion.
“The greatest destroyer of peace today is the cry of the innocent unborn child,” she told the crowd of nobles, politicians, and celebrities. After a moment of deathly silence Mother Teresa continued. 
“For if a mother can murder her own child, in her own womb, what is left for you and for me? To kill each other.” 
“Today millions of unborn children are being killed, but we say nothing.”
Then she raised her voice with alarm.
“To me the nations that have legalized abortion, they are the poorest nations. They are afraid of the little one! They are afraid of the unborn child! And the child must die. Because they don’t want to feed one more child! Because they don’t want to educate one more child! The child must die.”
She concluded her remarks about abortion with a plea.
“Let us make a strong resolution. We are going to save every little child. Every unborn child. Give them a chance to be born.” 
source: http://www.lifenews.com/2016/09/01/mother-teresa-to-be-canonized-on-september-4-abortion-is-the-greatest-threat-to-peace

Here is the Mother Teresa's full acceptance speech.

Saturday, August 27, 2016

The Hypocrisy of Parenting

There are some parents that teach their children the value of life.  Well, the value of some lives.

A child grows up learning to care for baby animals.  They learn how to raise them.  They learn compassion for living things.  They learn to respect nature's life. They learn if an animal is pregnant the offspring should be cared for and looked after.

This same child also learns a second lesson from the same parent.  What's that, you ask?  It's the lesson that baby animals should be saved but the child's own child must be killed.  Why such hypocrisy? Convenience.  Yep, how's that for a reason.

The parent that  taught the child to value animals lives and their babies, is now teaching a lesson that human babies should be murdered if the 'timing' isn't right and it will be inconvenience.  Remind you that the inconvenience is perceived by the parent and not the child with the child.

Strange lessons that some parents believe are righteous and correct.

Teaching anyone to accept murder is a crime.  It's wrong and these accessories to murder and the planners of murder should be jailed for all eternity.

No forgiveness, not from me.  EVER!