I am going to try and get a copy of mine, if it exists. I don't have exact dates because PTSD has contributed to the complete blocking of the exact date of the procedure. I cannot retrieve the date, no matter how hard and desperately I try. I could ask my mother but she would not remember, nor care and would just tell me her most favorite comment. "Don't be ridiculous." Yeah, that's her favorite line when I tried to share my thoughts and feelings with her. So, I will not ask her for anything.
Here's the information that the NY Department of Health sent to me.
Remember the left wing wankers don't believe a fetus is life. This is even more proof that life begins at conception.
------Information received from NY DH Vital Records Department------
We would not have hospital records and I imagine any hospital/facility would have destroyed them by now as this was over 40 years ago. We might have a copy of the Fetal Death Certificate on file if the fetal death occurred in NYS outside of NYC.
From 1964 – 1992 when a Fetal Death occurred a single type of certificate (for a spontaneous or induced death) was created. It contains the following information:
The fetus’s first, middle, last name,
Type of delivery (single, twin, etc.),
Date of delivery,
Time of delivery
County, town, city, and hospital of delivery,
Name of mother,
Age of mother,
State of birth of mother,
Residence state and address of mother,
Name of father,
Age of father,
State of birth of father
Immediate cause of death
Was there an autopsy
If there was an autopsy were findings considered in determining cause of death
There is a section for the physician’s information
There is a section for the Coroner or ME’s information
The final section, filled out for spontaneous deaths, contains information regarding the disposition of a body.
Since one certificate was used, when the Fetal Death was due to an induced death much of what is listed above is blank. The certificate does not contain any information regarding consent. Often with induced Fetal Deaths physicians filled out very little of this form. Often when someone requests a copy we cannot find one because the physician did not complete any of the identifying information.
If you are interested you may attempt to order a copy of the Fetal Death Certificate and if we have one (or can find one) we can send it to you. Unfortunately it will just be a certificate, it won’t have many of the answers you are looking for. If interested please see our website at http://www.health.ny.gov/ vital_records/fetal.htm
If the Fetal Death occurred in NYC we would not have a copy; you will need to contact the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. You may contact them by phone at New York City’s main phone number: 311 or 212-639-9675 outside New York City. You can also reach them by mail at:
125 Worth Street, CN 4, Room 133
New York, N.Y. 10013-4090
125 Worth Street, CN 4, Room 133
New York, N.Y. 10013-4090
Applications and contact information are available on the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene web site at www.nyc.gov/vitalrecords
I hope this has been of some assistance.
Guy Warner
NYS Registrar
Director, New York State Vital Records
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