“It’s important for us to make it clear that abortion is not just a violation of the human rights of an unborn child, but it is also a violent assault on a woman’s body as well. Society needs to understand the harm abortion has done to women.”
-- Ashley McGuire

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Minors have Rights!

Sadly, the statute of limitations has passed.  If I had known this, when I was 17, I would have had my mother arrested.  She, knowingly and willingly violated the law.  She packed me off to doctors that had never seen anyone in the family and then took me to New York for an abortion.  At the time, this was the only state that didn't care about residency.  Seems Mom was up on the latest laws and chose to break them.  While in New York I was forbidden any contact with my paternal grandfather who lived in Rochester.  I was smuggled in and smuggled out.  No care about me only care about her.

Do you know why she murdered my child?  This is the truth, so help me God.

1 She refused to raise it - Her words. the child was an IT.  Of course she never asked what I wanted, or needed.  I never had  chance.
2 The child would not have a name.  Wow, that's a great reason to commit murder.

My mother is a selfish murderer and took out on my child what she wished she had done to me that many years ago.

I had rights and didn't know it.  I hate my mother for the murderer she is.

"Can My Parents Force Me to Have an Abortion? Minor females have a constitutional right to make their own decisions on reproductive choices. The constitution gives women the right to choose whether they want an abortion and this also applies to women minors. The decision is hers alone and no parent can force the teen to have an abortion. The decision to have an abortion must be voluntary and independent. A parent who tries to coerce a daughter to have an abortion may also face legal charges for child abuse or battery. -

See more at: http://www.legalmatch.com/law-library/article/abortion-rights-of-minors.html#sthash.ftkHMEXb.dpuf"

How did this this all start?  I will be posting all the background information that is fit to print.

There is not a day that goes by that I don't think about this heinous act and the child that I never had a chance to bring in to this world.  I often wonder what role my child would have played in this world.  What did the world lose because of the act of one selfish, could have been, grandmother?

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