“It’s important for us to make it clear that abortion is not just a violation of the human rights of an unborn child, but it is also a violent assault on a woman’s body as well. Society needs to understand the harm abortion has done to women.”
-- Ashley McGuire

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Mother Turns 80

Last night, my brother called me.  First off, let me be clear.  I have two brothers.  I am the oldest.  The middle child is the brother that called.  He's  the best one in the family.  The baby brother is mother's 'fair haired prince' and, according to him, I am a horrible person.  But, that's another story. As far as I'm concerned, he and his 'golden' family can just stay arms distance away from me.

Anyway, Mike called to let me know that the baby brother wanted to have a big birthday bash for my mother.  She turns 80, this year.  He wants us to all get together and celebrate her life.  That would include all of her kids and her 'chosen' grand kids.

OMG, why would I want to celebrate the life of a child killer?  If I did go, I would be forced to be pleasant and I would be pushed to engage with her 'golden grand kids.'  If I did not, I would be told to 'stop being ridiculous' and other such choice things.

I cannot allow my heart to be scarred even more than what it is. I will not celebrate the life of a woman who does not value life, at all.  To kill an innocent because of self-perceived 'family shame' and other such nonsense is beyond my comprehension.  She chose to ruin my life, forever, and kill an innocent child, rather than let people know I had a child . . . a son.

I will never forgive her and do not want anyone telling me to do so. I've heard it all. "She's your mother, you have to forgive her."  No I don't.

I pray my brothers do not ask me again, about this 'party'.  It just brings everything back to the forefront and I struggle enough without having to deal with this.

Read more at Abort73.com

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Whatsoever You Do

. . .But I feel that the greatest destroyer of peace today is abortion, because it is a war against the child, a direct killing of the innocent child, murder by the mother herself. 
And if we accept that a mother can kill even her own child, how can we tell other people not to kill one another? How do we persuade a woman not to have an abortion? As always, we must persuade her with love and we remind ourselves that love means to be willing to give until it hurts. Jesus gave even His life to love us. So, the mother who is thinking of abortion, should be helped to love, that is, to give until it hurts her plans, or her free time, to respect the life of her child. The father of that child, whoever he is, must also give until it hurts. 
By abortion, the mother does not learn to love, but kills even her own child to solve her problems. 
And, by abortion, the father is told that he does not have to take any responsibility at all for the child he has brought into the world. That father is likely to put other women into the same trouble. So abortion just leads to more abortion. 
Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching its people to love, but to use any violence to get what they want. This is why the greatest destroyer of love and peace is abortion. . .

Monday, March 14, 2016

From the Tiniest Acorn, Comes the Mighty Oak

This is a story of a mother's love for her baby. It sums up her son's first year. He was born 3 1/2 months early, and the obstacles he had to overcome were really big.

After watching this, please tell me how Planned Parenthood and other supporters of murder can even fathom the idea that killing an innocent is OK.  To all that do think it's OK;  You are lesser than the lowest of animals.

Ward Miles - First Year

Ward Miles - Update

Links from the video --   I Heart Garments and Graham's Foundation

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Abortion Is Murder

This is a real truth. This is what happens. This is only one type of abortion procedure, but the Dr. discusses other types. Watch this. It's a baby. It's NOT disposable tissue. It's a human with a heart beat.

To destroy this innocent, IS MURDER. Nothing more and nothing less.  Anyone who does this is a murderer.  Anyone who forces another, against their will, is the worst kind of murderer.

Please stop murdering innocents.

 To see more procedures and really get your eyes opened, go to his web site: Abortion Procedures

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Existence Lost in the Wind

Writing this post, brings tears to my eyes.

Imagine, if you will, what it would be like if no one knew you ever existed.  If no one knew you ever had a heart beat.  If no one knew that you had been viciously murdered and all records unattainable.

Would anyone even believe you existed?  How would you prove your existence?  How would you make sure your memory was part of the history of humanity.

I wanted nothing more than to make my son's memory real.  As soon as I discovered that a Fetal Death Certificate was created when he was murdered, I knew I had to find a copy. But, I knew the risks.  Below is a link that tells you everything that the State of New York told me and a snippet of the most important part.

Information about Fetal Death Certificates in New York
Since one certificate was used, when the Fetal Death was due to an induced death much of what is listed above is blank.  The certificate does not contain any information regarding consent.  Often with induced Fetal Deaths physicians filled out very little of this form.  Often when someone requests a copy we cannot find one because the physician did not complete any of the identifying information.
I filled out the necessary form and hoped against the odds.  I waited several weeks, but never lost hope.  Then it came.  'Record Not Found.'  I just cried.

To know that my son's memory will only live based on what I say.  Having the official record would prove his existence and prove what a beast his grandmother truly was.

But now, I don't have that proof and if I shared my story with other family members I would not have the proof that some would require.  Yes, that's how some of my family responds to things they don't want to believe.  So, without proof, to them I would be a liar and they would have no reason to believe horrible things about their own mother or grandmother.

It hurts my heart that my son will never be remembered as being a human being that deserved to live.  Not even a piece of paper was sufficiently filled out to show that he was here and he is still loved.

The Doctor that failed to provide any identifying information has made it impossible for me to find my son's record.  I damn his soul for what he did and then what he didn't think was important enough to do.

I am just heart sick over these three little words.

Record Not Found