“It’s important for us to make it clear that abortion is not just a violation of the human rights of an unborn child, but it is also a violent assault on a woman’s body as well. Society needs to understand the harm abortion has done to women.”
-- Ashley McGuire

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Where's the Dignity and Respect for Life?

How can anyone believe that this is OK to do, to a human being?
"Then she explained how the baby parts were disposed of:"
“People would ask me, how did we dispose of the babies – the body parts, the tissue? And so I would usually [goes to the sink] rinse everything under the water and end up with just parts. And then there would be a big container under here [gestures to a container in the cabinet under the sink] that had a medical waste bag, and all the tissue would go into this container with the medical waste bag. Nothing but liquid went down the sink.”
"The babies were further dehumanized by being treated as medical waste."
"After the broken body of the child was discarded in the biohazard container, the abortion procedure was over."

Sunday, May 8, 2016

What Should Be A Mother's Day

I wish I could sort out my feelings and put them down on paper.  But, I just can't.  My mind and heart is a jumble of hurt, betrayal and deep sadness.

Mother's Day cuts me like a knife.  The hatred I have for my own mother and sense of complete loss for my own motherhood.  It's so hard to deal with this day, I just can't begin to explain it.

My own mother stole my chances at motherhood.  Why?  Because it was convenient for her and her image.  No thought for my child, or myself. My future was forever altered by someone who was allowed to become a mother.  She is a selfish person that I am obligated to wish a happy Mother's Day.

My heart breaks every day and ten times more on Mother's Day.