“It’s important for us to make it clear that abortion is not just a violation of the human rights of an unborn child, but it is also a violent assault on a woman’s body as well. Society needs to understand the harm abortion has done to women.”
-- Ashley McGuire

Friday, August 19, 2016

“Because if a single life does not matter…. then what does?”

. . . this powerful pro-life video was created by Mandeville High School student Isabella Del Rio! 
The creator of this brief but very poignant You Tube video describes herself as a “self-taught artist.” What an understatement! 
It’s amazing how much she packs into 1:31. A explanation that 50 million unborn babies are lost worldwide; (at least) 93% of all abortions are for social reasons; we lose almost 3,000 babies a day in the United States alone; and that many people have forgotten the foundational truth captured in Dr. Seuss’s “Horton Hears a Who”: 
“A person’s a person, no matter how small.”
source: http://www.lifenews.com/2016/08/18/amazing-pro-life-video-reminds-us-a-persons-a-person-no-matter-how-small/ 

Here is the video that is contained in the above article.  It's lovely and very sad.  How can people believe so strongly, in murder?  How can people murder someone who has never been given a chance?  How can people be so selfish?  

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