“It’s important for us to make it clear that abortion is not just a violation of the human rights of an unborn child, but it is also a violent assault on a woman’s body as well. Society needs to understand the harm abortion has done to women.”
-- Ashley McGuire


What is the blog about? It's about how your life can be stolen by someone who is supposed to love you.  Who?  My own mother.

When I was just 2 months shy of being 18 years of age, I was forced to have an abortion.  Even though I would have been of adult age 4 months prior to the birth of my child.

My mother forced murder on me.  She threatened me with police action if I did not surrender to her will.  I was never asked my thoughts, feelings or anything.  The father was threatened and, to this day, I don't know what was said.  I do know that when I found him on Facebook he would not respond to my contact and blocked me.  All those years and the boy is still afraid.  How sad.

Against my will my mother murdered my child because she refused to raise it.  But, no one asked her to,  And because it would have no name.  What a pathetic reason.  She committed murder because it was convenient for her.  To hell with me and what I wanted.
"The belief that life is expendable and can be destroyed for another person’s convenience is the crux of the pro-choice position, whether pro-choice activists admit it or not. " -- MICAIAH BILGER from LifeNews

Murder is murder and for what she did to me ruined my life. She was so harsh and uncaring that the fear instilled in me was so strong that I would never be able to have a relationship with a man.  Every time I was close to a relationship I would recoil in fear because I thought my mother would kill any child I may bring in to this world.

I hate her for being so selfish and ruining my life and murdering my only shot at a child.

She believes she was justified and did the right thing.  If it was so right how come it was hidden and never discussed?  Shame?  I doubt it.

Years later, my brother had kids.  Do you know what my witch of a mother said to my face "I never thought I would ever be a grandmother"  Well, she shouldn't have played pick and choose and killed her first grandchild.

I can't express the loathing I hold in my heart for her.  I've pretended all these years to be what she wanted and now I know why.  For some reason I still needed approval.  Well, not any more.  I've cut it off and I have nothing to do with this heinous murderer.

This ultrasound image is not my child, but it is the same age as my child when he was murdered.  This is life. How can anyone justify ripping it to death just because it's convenient.  The murderer is cold blooded and has NO HEART.

This is life and my child's life was never given a chance to be fulfilled. This child belongs to a friend of mine.  She and her husband do not believe in murder. They celebrated the unexpected arrival of their girl child.



Dear Mother, I hate you with a hate so strong you would not begin to believe it.  I've spent my life trying to find things to fill the hole that you ripped in to my heart.  I cannot and will not ever forgive you.  You live in a fantasy world where your actions are righteous.  I also believe if your mother would have allowed you to, I would be an aborted pile of tissue.  So, you used me to relive what you wish you could have done when you were 18.

This blog will be my memories, thoughts, feelings and struggles as I try to share what changed/destroyed a part of my being, forever.

I will also use this to allow a memory to be shared with the world.  A child the world was never allowed to know.  What great things would this child have done?  We will never know because of one person's selfish desire to murder this baby.

Click the 'Read My Story' page to read the timeline of my horror.

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