I can't imagine how different my life would be if I had the power to find this information and the strength to stand up against a monster mother. But, I did not have the information and I was paralyzed with fear. I still blame myself for not stopping this woman. But, she was my mother and going against her was the wrong thing to do. Today, I know that is crap and I regret not standing my ground.
This is what every pregnant teen needs to add to her arsenal against those that are forcing her to be an accomplice to murder.
The murder industry does not inform young women of their rights. IF the center I was forced to go to had explained to me that NO ONE could force me to have an abortion and what I could do to stop it, my life would be very different. But, they did not care and were there to make money off the backs of women and the lives of the innocent.
You Can Stop Your Abortion
- No matter how old you are.
- Even if you are a minor.
- You have a legal right to have your baby.
View & print out this PDF form and sign it. Fax it to the clinic or abortionist where you are being taken to have an abortion.
If you can't fax it, then print it out, sign it and bring it with you and hand it to the receptionist at the abortion clinic.
If you do not have a printer, then HAND WRITE this out as best you can and sign it and bring it with you so you can hand it to the receptionist. This is a
legal document. Hand written, it will not be perfect but do not worry. The abortionist will not want to get involved. He or she will know you are serious about not wanting an abortion.
DO NOT SIGN any of their papers. Refuse to take off your clothes. Do not get up on the table. Just keep refusing to do anything they ask you to do and tell them you want to have your baby.
Even if you do not have this document. You have now read it and you know your rights.
AN EXAMPLE: Just recently, we had a 16 year old taken by her mother to an abortionist. The 16 year old said, "I will NOT abort my baby. I can raise my baby myself." She fought so hard with her mother that the woman at the clinic gave this pregnant teen three phone numbers and now she is living at our shelter. YOU CAN DO THIS.
You can have your baby if you want to and there are places you can go all over the United States to live and raise your baby.

Here is a photo of a couple who recently visited our Gift of Hope clinic. After seeing their sonogram pictures and hearing about their options, they decided to keep their baby. You can too.
We are here to help you.
Please call our hotline (1-800-662-2678) and we can work with you to fax this document for you if you don't have access to a fax and we can work with you to find a place for you to live so you can have your baby.
If you need an attorney you can call toll free # 1-866-468-8279 (1-866-4OUTCRY) and they will provide you a free attorney to help you in your decision to have a baby or email them at
Follow these directions carefully and, again, email us for even more help at
lifecall@aol.com or call our 24 hour hotline at 1-800-662-2678.
Our Gift of Hope
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